Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Truths that are taking root

Truths are like seeds.....they are planted, and you know that they are there. But you can't feel them or see them. Until they start to grow. That is what I experienced this morning in the prayer room. Truths started to peak their way out of the soil in my heart and I realized they are taking root!!! So here is an excerpt from my journal:

I want to fall more in love with you Jesus. Take me down the road that leads to life. I know the journey will be hard and scrape off my dirtiness, but the treasure in the end is way worth it. After learning about sin issues in my life, my heart almost wants to 'reverse' what has been done and 'serve' my way out to make up for the lost time as if I could accomplish something and prove myself in my own strength and striving. But my place isn't for striving. I don't work, I believe.....so that I can work. So, I believe that I am righteous and pure in his eyes because I have been forgiven. His blood is enough. It is his blood that cleanses my conscience. Thank you Jesus! I have been hand selected and chosen for his purposes. Therefore, he redeemed me, adopted me, and set me high above every principality, right next to himself. He made me holy and righteous, for his good pleasure, because he delighted in me. His grace is sufficient for me. He refreshes and restores. I am blameless before his eyes. HE is in love with ME. He so greatly desired me, that he himself became the sacrifice for my sin to appease his own wrath. Not only did he rescue me, he gave me an inheritance that goes beyond eternity. And, if that wasn't enough, he gave me himself by placing the Holy Spirit inside of me. What kind of God is this? Who is this one that loves me so deeply? Who is this one that cares about us to the uttermost? I want to know this man!!! Praise be to God, the sustainer of all things! He alone is worthy to be praised. Teach me to be like you, walking in meekness and humility. This is my heart's cry: I want to see your face! For your face is lovely and your voice is sweet. I want to learn how to serve, to serve others well. Teach me how to love, to pour out myself for others like you did. Give me grace to be selfless and go low. I give myself to you. Have all of me. I just want you.

Verses I was meditating on:
Heb. 9:14, Rom. 4:2-5, Rom. 5:1-2, Eph 1:4-14

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