Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Christ is everything we need

I read this in my Old Testament Survey class textbook and it made me so excited when reading it! So thankful that Jesus is all of these things!!!!

Christocentric themes are found in each one of the 66 books of the Bible. In the Old Testament Christ is the Seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15), He is the Passover Lamb (Ex. 12:3), the Atoning Sacrifice (Lev. 17:11), the Smitten Rock (Num. 20:8, 11), and the Faithful Prophet (Deut. 18:18). Christ is the Captian of the Lord's Host (Josh 5:15), the Divine Deliverer (Judg. 2:18), and the Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 3:12). Christ is anticipated as the Anointed One (1Sam. 2:10), and as the Son of David (2Sam. 7:14). In 1 and 2 Kings Christ may be viewed as the coming King and in 1 and 2 Chronicles as the Builder of the Temple (1Chron. 28:20). Ezra represents Christ as the Restorer of the Temple (Ezra 6:14-15), Nehemiah shows Him as the Restorer of the Nation (Neh. 6:15), and Esther portrays Him as the Preserver of the Nation (Esther 4:14). Christ is also seen as the Living Redeemer (Job 19:25), as the Praise of Israel (Ps 150:6), the Wisdom of God (Prov. 8:22-23), the Great Teacher (Eccles. 12:11), and the Fairest of Ten Thousand (SOS 5:10). Christ is the Suffering Servant (Isa. 53:11), the Maker of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31), the Man of Sorrows (Lam. 3:28-30), the Glory of God (Ezk. 43:2), and the coming Messiah (Dan. 9:25). He is also depicted as the Lover of the Unfaithful (Hos. 3:1), the Hope of Israel (Joel 3:16), the Husbandman (Amos 9:13), the Savior (Obad. 21), the Resurrected One (Jon. 2:10), the Ruler in Israel (Micah 5:2), the Avenger (Nah. 2:1), the Holy God (Hab. 1:13, the King of Israel (Zeph. 3:15), the Desire of the Nations (Hag. 2:7), the Righteous Branch (Zech. 3:8), and the Sun of Righteousness (Mal. 4:2).

In the New Testament Christ is presented as the King of the Jews (Matt 2:2), the Servant of The Lord (Mark 10:45), the Son of Man (Luke 19:10), and the Son of God (John 1:1). Christ is the Ascended Lord (Acts 1:10), the believer's Righetousness (Rom. 1:17), Sanctification (1Cor. 1:30), Sufficiency (2Cor. 12:9), and Liberty (Gal. 2:4). He is revealed as the Exalted Head of the church (Eph. 1:22), the Christian's Joy (Phil. 1:26), and the Fullness of Deity (col. 2:9). In the Thessalonian epistles Christ is the believer's Comfort (1Thes. 4:16-17) and Glory (2Thes. 1:12). He is seen as the Christian's Preserver (1Tim. 4:10), Rewarder (2Tim. 4:8), Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13), and Substitute (Philemon 17). He is also High Priest (Heb. 4:17), the Giver of Wisdom (James 1:5), the Rock (1Pet. 2:6), and the Precious Promise (2Pet. 1:4). John represents Christ as the Life (1John), the Truth (2John), and the Way (3John). Jude portrays Christ as the Advocate and Revelation shows Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev. 19:16). It is literally true that the Bible is all about Christ!

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