Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Monday, October 25, 2010

Word of the Day

I thought a while ago I should unsubscribe from the Dictionary word of the day. Moma signed me up for this a couple of years ago to prep for the SAT. But now that I am a college Senior it seemed as if it was not serving its purpose anymore. I'm so thankful I kept it! The funniest words come through! Here are just a few of them:
Slugabed \SLUHG-uh-bed\, noun:
One who stays in bed until a late hour; a sluggard.

Viand \VAHY-uhnd\, noun:
An article of food, now usually of a choice or delicate kind.
Smithereens \smith-uh-REENZ\, noun:
Small pieces; bits.

Acta \AK-tuh\, noun:
Official records, as of acts, deeds, proceedings, transactions, or the like. 

Lucifugous \loo-see-FOO-guhs\, adjective:
Avoiding light.-----------(Interesting since Satan's name is Lucifer and he hates God, who is light.....)

Hobbledehoy \HOB-uhl-dee-hoy\, noun:
An awkward, gawky young fellow.

Frabjous \FRAB-juhs\, adjective:
Wonderful, elegant, superb, or delicious.
Brobdingnagian \brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn\, adjective:
Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.

Quaggy \KWAG-ee\, adjective:
1. Marshy; boggy.
Soft or flabby.

Tittle \TIT-l\, noun:
1. A dot or other small mark in writing or printing, used as a diacritic, punctuation, etc.
A very small part or quantity; a particle, jot, or whit

Kenspeckle \KEN-spek-uhl\, adjective:
Conspicuous; easily seen or recognized.

Mojo \MOH-joh\, noun:
1. Personal magnetism; charm.
2. The art or practice of casting magic spells; magic; voodoo.
3. An object, as an amulet or charm, that is believed to carry a magic spell.
4. Good luck or favor concerning an event or individual.

Yeuk \YOOK\, noun:
1. An itching sensation.
1. To itch.

Cheechako \chee-CHAH-koh\, noun:
A tenderfoot; greenhorn; newcomer.

There are so many funny ones!!!!!!!!!!! All this to say, you should sign up for the Dictionary word of the day; it provides you with a fantastic vocabulary and you will laugh twice! (once on your own and then again when telling all your friends!) =)

Have a great day!

Ashton =)

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