Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Sunday, May 30, 2010

taiwan/japan freedom tour diary -day two-

*Email received 5/30/10 5:48pm CST*


Taiwan-Japan Freedom Tour

-day two-

Quick Sketch:

* God's favor on every point in our 40-hrs of travel
* Living Water Church (Matt/Elizabeth Chen-pastor) graciously welcomes us
* Team immediately steps into a day full of ministry-- 2 hr. children's church & 2 hr. prophetic dance seminar (strong presence of Holy Spirit present)
* Evening social connections: Adults with All Nations team and Living Water leaders; teens with Living Water teens

Sunday, May 30 (we gained a day; and are actually now 14 hrs. ahead of KC time)-

8am (Taiwan Time: TT) After an uneventful immigration, baggage claim, and a partial money exchange; three taxis sped us from the airport to the Taipei train station, where we caught the 7:30 train to Tainan. The quiet speeding 1 hr. train ride is allowing us a chance to freshen up and change for the first time. How good it feels to be almost at our first destination. The scenery that flies by our window is filled with green rice fields, flat-roofed apartment buildings, an occasional elaborate Buddhist temple, and an abundance of palm trees. There is a light rain falling.

2:15pm,TT We arrived in Tainan with two young men ready to transport us to Living Water Community Church (pastored by Matt & Elizabeth Chen- former Metro Christian Fellowship members in the early 90’s). This vibrant church graciously received us even tho they were in the middle of their own church wide conference. We were greeted by Randy Catlett, Isabel Paterson, Monica/Juergen Kramer, and Floyd McClung…all a part of the conference. We were quickly given instructions for the children’s church –which the team led. Kenon was asked to give his testimony and altar call –all translated. To his surprise, more than half the kids raised their hands that they wanted to follow Jesus!

Following the children’s worship time, our team divided up into four groups leading the children in—pingpong, art/craft, soccer, and dance. A fun, relaxed time.

At the present time, the team is leading a two-hour prophetic dance seminar—the “sanctuary” with chairs stacked to the side has become the dance floor. The church has quite a few worship dancers with a growing interest. We were introduced to one young man who is a two-week old believer with a background in ballet training. Many of the seminar participants have little or no formal training, just a big heart to dance for Jesus.

5pm, TT Oh my gosh, we had the most amazing prophetic dance seminar I’ve ever been at. After a few warm-ups , Jenna and the team led in expressing various one-word emotions, when they were all loosened up, they began shadowing each other in improv dance with worship songs playing in the background. Then, the H.Sp. came and most were in tears for the last hour. Prophetic dance and words and prayer came forth. There was a special laying on of hands for guys leading out in dance. Much joy and freedom resulted. The team and participants alike were moved. We were proud of our team chipping in and deferring to each one. We felt privileged to be a part of this; If we turned around and went home right now, it would be worth it—just to see/experience this!

Tonight the teens will join the Living Water teens for pizza at the church’s “Bus 7 Café.” Yutaka and I have been invited to join Matt and Elizabeth Chen and their church leaders with All Nations Mission leaders for supper tonight. We grab a few moments of shut-eye first.

10:30pm TT A great time of meeting new friends and reconnecting with old acquaintances tonight at Taiyou Landis hotel restaurant—an incredible spread of buffet after buffet of authentic Japanese & Taiwanese food—the conversation even more precious. After 40 hrs. of travel though, even several rounds of coffee was not keeping Yutaka and I from nodding off. The children we are told had some wonderful conversations over pizza at the church’s “Bus 7” café and then on to the Chen household. We will check in with them more in the morning when we take a bus ride to the Howard Beach Resort in Kenting.

We are indebted to you for your prayers; they are certainly being felt—keep it up!

With love to all of you,


PS- Yutaka will send another quick perspective today; I will get some of the teens to also from time-to-time add to this digest.

PSS- Thought you may also enjoy the pics. They speak volumes!
Kirsti, Ashton and Kimberly - kindred spirits

LAX reactions-Abi, Ashton, and Kimberly

Stanton naps at LAX

Posing for LAX travelers!

2 Chen Daughters

Jenna with Living Water Children

Kenon altar call

Yutaka with Floyd McClung

Yutaka and Stanton praying for Kevin

Our Dancing Hotel

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