Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Monday, May 31, 2010

taiwan/japan - day three-

*Email received 5/31/10 6:56pm CST*

Day 3 of trip

Hello everyone!

This is your substitute scribe.

Yesterday marked our 2nd full day in Taiwan. Most of us were up way early. We breakfasted at an all you can eat buffet (the guys loved it); left the comfortable and cozy quarters of the Confucius Inn and travelled by bus (with a great view of the fish farms and palm groves and the China Sea) to Kenting. Enroute we connected with the 45 other riders. A number of us were journaling many pages just chronicling the events of the previous day. The Ho boys provided Joshua with lots of fun; we variously shared with Juergen Kramer, a leader of All Nations who also makes his living as a business consultant in Germany; the Ho Family, Isabel Patterson and her friend Myra; and lots of kids.

We stopped for lunch at an authentic Taiwanese noodle shop. They like their food hot (spicy)! We settled in to our rooms at Kenting and were set to rehearse dance. Jenna led what was to be some “check in”. This turned to be a profoundly open and encouraging sharing that lasted hours. Sue and I were only there part of the time. Everyone shared. Only a little dance happened. Dinner was an authentic Chinese sit down dinner with a large “lazy Susan” in the center of the table. They provided a nine course meal. Jenna skipped this to prepare for the evening ministry.

Evening meeting started with rich worship. Stanton got there early to intercede. Kirsten, Kimberly and Kenon stepped out with free dance. This seemed welcomed by the gathering. I was called to the room of one the Living Church leaders, Mary Wu, who was ill. Jenna took vitals for me and we returned to the meeting with little time before she ran “Into the West”. Lots of tears in the congregation. Wenwei’s widow cried quite loudly. She later thanked us. We listened half awake (jet lag not sermon quality) to Floyd McClung speak on the purpose of trials.

We’ll try to send more pictures later.

God bless.


Additional Taiwan/Japan Update - 5/30 - Yutaka

Email received 5/30/10 5:48pm CST

Dear all,

Thank you for your prayer. What we experience has been the fruit of your work, prayer and kind support. I’ll periodically add my perspectives to the chronicles that Sue and others send.

Here are some random highlights. After some 40 hours on the road, we arrived in Tainan not feeling particularly anointed or awake. The church sent two vans which gratefully accommodated all people and luggage. Our driver, Eric, is a native of a neighboring district and has been with Living Waters about 4 years. He and Kevin, the other driver, were consummate servants-letting their work speak for itself—loading our luggage, answering questions and drawing little attention to themselves.

We arrived at Bus-7, the 1st floor café that serves as gathering place for the church, income to give to missions and source of tasty curry rice. After being introduced to the church, dancers immediately went to the 11th floor where they would help Susan Shen with the children. The entire group was some 77 people—an outreach Sunday. Kenon gave a brief version of his testimony and asked if anyone wanted to have Jesus be his/her friend. 25 non believing children raised their hands. The large group divided into interest groups: Kimberly and Stanton went with the soccer players; Joshua and Kirsten with those who painted cd’s; Jenna, Ashton and Abigail taught dance; Kenon went with the ping pong players.

Following lunch at Bus -7, the dancers immediately went to prepare for the dance seminar. What followed was phenomenal. Kirsten and Kenon led a warm up. The 20 or so dancers were game. Then as they portrayed different emotions/stories via dance, the Spirit broke in. Almost everyone was tearing up as dancers from our group and theirs walked across the floor to portray: anger, surprise, what you would do at the crucifixion then at the resurrection. We prayed for impartation at the end of the time. Our driver, Kevin, went down in the Spirit as Stanton and I prayed for him. The organizers gave us permission to stop well before 4:00. Everyone lingered on.

Following a brief nap, Sue, mom and I joined All Nations and Living Waters leaders for the biggest seafood buffet that I have ever seen. Living Waters treated us to dinner at one of the swanky hotels in town. We sat across Isabel Patterson and her childhood friend Myra. We also shared with Susan Shen, the elementary school minister. The sharing after the meal was very uplifting as people from New Zealand, S. Africa, Germany, and the rest of us spoke of the impact of the Living Waters church. Afterward, Floyd asked me to address some medical concerns of his.

The children had pizza at bus-7 then headed to the Chen home. I said good night to them as they headed to their rooms at about 10:00. They seemed quite heartened. We will be debriefing and discussing plans shortly over breakfast.

Here are some new plans: Tonight we will have about 10 minutes to dance. Tentatively, we will do Into the West. Tomorrow we will have another 10 minute slot in the evening meeting. Wed they are asking us to do another dance seminar.

Thanks again for your love.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

taiwan/japan freedom tour diary -day two-

*Email received 5/30/10 5:48pm CST*


Taiwan-Japan Freedom Tour

-day two-

Quick Sketch:

* God's favor on every point in our 40-hrs of travel
* Living Water Church (Matt/Elizabeth Chen-pastor) graciously welcomes us
* Team immediately steps into a day full of ministry-- 2 hr. children's church & 2 hr. prophetic dance seminar (strong presence of Holy Spirit present)
* Evening social connections: Adults with All Nations team and Living Water leaders; teens with Living Water teens

Sunday, May 30 (we gained a day; and are actually now 14 hrs. ahead of KC time)-

8am (Taiwan Time: TT) After an uneventful immigration, baggage claim, and a partial money exchange; three taxis sped us from the airport to the Taipei train station, where we caught the 7:30 train to Tainan. The quiet speeding 1 hr. train ride is allowing us a chance to freshen up and change for the first time. How good it feels to be almost at our first destination. The scenery that flies by our window is filled with green rice fields, flat-roofed apartment buildings, an occasional elaborate Buddhist temple, and an abundance of palm trees. There is a light rain falling.

2:15pm,TT We arrived in Tainan with two young men ready to transport us to Living Water Community Church (pastored by Matt & Elizabeth Chen- former Metro Christian Fellowship members in the early 90’s). This vibrant church graciously received us even tho they were in the middle of their own church wide conference. We were greeted by Randy Catlett, Isabel Paterson, Monica/Juergen Kramer, and Floyd McClung…all a part of the conference. We were quickly given instructions for the children’s church –which the team led. Kenon was asked to give his testimony and altar call –all translated. To his surprise, more than half the kids raised their hands that they wanted to follow Jesus!

Following the children’s worship time, our team divided up into four groups leading the children in—pingpong, art/craft, soccer, and dance. A fun, relaxed time.

At the present time, the team is leading a two-hour prophetic dance seminar—the “sanctuary” with chairs stacked to the side has become the dance floor. The church has quite a few worship dancers with a growing interest. We were introduced to one young man who is a two-week old believer with a background in ballet training. Many of the seminar participants have little or no formal training, just a big heart to dance for Jesus.

5pm, TT Oh my gosh, we had the most amazing prophetic dance seminar I’ve ever been at. After a few warm-ups , Jenna and the team led in expressing various one-word emotions, when they were all loosened up, they began shadowing each other in improv dance with worship songs playing in the background. Then, the H.Sp. came and most were in tears for the last hour. Prophetic dance and words and prayer came forth. There was a special laying on of hands for guys leading out in dance. Much joy and freedom resulted. The team and participants alike were moved. We were proud of our team chipping in and deferring to each one. We felt privileged to be a part of this; If we turned around and went home right now, it would be worth it—just to see/experience this!

Tonight the teens will join the Living Water teens for pizza at the church’s “Bus 7 Café.” Yutaka and I have been invited to join Matt and Elizabeth Chen and their church leaders with All Nations Mission leaders for supper tonight. We grab a few moments of shut-eye first.

10:30pm TT A great time of meeting new friends and reconnecting with old acquaintances tonight at Taiyou Landis hotel restaurant—an incredible spread of buffet after buffet of authentic Japanese & Taiwanese food—the conversation even more precious. After 40 hrs. of travel though, even several rounds of coffee was not keeping Yutaka and I from nodding off. The children we are told had some wonderful conversations over pizza at the church’s “Bus 7” café and then on to the Chen household. We will check in with them more in the morning when we take a bus ride to the Howard Beach Resort in Kenting.

We are indebted to you for your prayers; they are certainly being felt—keep it up!

With love to all of you,


PS- Yutaka will send another quick perspective today; I will get some of the teens to also from time-to-time add to this digest.

PSS- Thought you may also enjoy the pics. They speak volumes!
Kirsti, Ashton and Kimberly - kindred spirits

LAX reactions-Abi, Ashton, and Kimberly

Stanton naps at LAX

Posing for LAX travelers!

2 Chen Daughters

Jenna with Living Water Children

Kenon altar call

Yutaka with Floyd McClung

Yutaka and Stanton praying for Kevin

Our Dancing Hotel

taiwan/japan freedom tour diary -one-

taiwan/japan freedom tour diary

Friday, May 28, 2010 …..6pm PST
Dear Friends and Family,
After a fast-paced rush through check-in, gate, and security check we finally breathed a sigh of relief as we plopped down in our assigned seat with no time to spare- all eleven of us were accounted for. Whew!  To get there required help from Jeff Price (Ashton’s dad) and Yutaka, and favor from the authorities to allow us to cut into the long morning Delta flight lines. I’d never seen KCI lines like that before.
After a brief layover at Minneapolis, we took a 3 hr. flight to LAX. Some caught up on their precious sleep, while most of the girls watched a cute and clean chick-flik to help pass the time. Towards the end of the flight, we had the flight attendants surprise Joshua with an announcement  that it was Joshua’s 13th birthday today! It worked, and we all cheered.  Baggage claim was easy because of the bright green laminated luggage tags from Ashton’s mom Kristin.
We’re half through our 14-hr. layover here.  Besides two meals, some shut-eye, and some last-minute omiyagi shopping (G’ma), the team all found a quiet corner of a terminal and refined some of their dance pieces.  Yutaka, G’ma , and Sue manned the luggage- all 22 pieces. Abi, Stanton, and Sue just returned from a fast walk outside—breezy, sunny, 70 degree weather. Bouganvilla vines, wild roses, palm trees lined the paved walkway. We’re wishing for the California beach, but we may have to wait till Taipei till we experience the Pacific Ocean waves.
11pm, PST
After some rounds of the “Scum” game, then checking in our luggage, we celebrated Joshua’s bday with some Hagen Das’ Ice Cream. Not sure if it was the ice cream or just the exhaustion, but we got slap happy after that. Stanton was animated, and had us in stitches…deep belly laughter!  We met up with the Blake and Tracy Staten family who Kirsti had recognized from last year’s conference. They will be on our flight too.
All eight children are now out for a fast-paced 15 min. walk before we begin the long process of international flight security procedures.
I am attaching the trip itinerary to give you some perspective of our trip. I’ll try to send pics once we upload them. When you pray, remember that we will be 14 hrs. ahead of your CST time. We are very grateful to all of you for helping to make this trip possible.
God bless,
Sue Kawase
PS: We’ve arrived in Taipei! Safe, quiet trip…most of us got our 6-8 hrs. of sleep!  --6:30am Taipei time
Friday May 28
Leave KC; short layover in Minneapolis; long layover in LA of 14hrs.

Saturday, May 29 : Travel day beginning early am on plane (lose a day due to International Date Line);

Sunday,  May 30 : Arrive about 6:00 am Taipei
Take Taxi to Taoyuan train station; Take High Speed Rail to Tainan about 90 min
Living Waters Church
teach children dance at Living Waters Church.
Serve in Prophet Dance seminar in the afternoon
Spend night at Confucius Inn (www.cambridge-hotel.com.tw) 06-2140033 across street from Living Waters Church 06-223-9418 www.lwcc.org.tw

Monday, May 31: Travel by bus to Kenting  (wonderful time to network); leaves at 9:00 am
Stay at Howard Beach Resort http://kenting.howard-hotels.com/
Attend All Nations Mission Conference www.allnations.us/

Tuesday June 1: All Nations Conference.
We have offered to serve in child care/teaching dance
YK and JK serving medical needs of missionaries in afternoons
Dance performance probably in pm
Plan on rehearsing/preparing for Japan ministry.

Wednesday, June 2: All Nations Conference.
Be open to minister while enjoying the people.
Ping Pong Tournament

Thursday, June 3: All Nations Conference ends
Travel by bus to Tainan; Stay at Confucius Inn

Friday , June 4: Long travel day—
Shuttle to HSR station to Taoyuan station
Taxi to Taipei airport
Plane to Narita Airport  (Tokyo) arriving 5:10 pm Terminal 2
Narita express train to Yokohama Ofuna station preferably #46 (1848-2041) or#52 ( 2044-2235
Spend night at home stays with Hongodai people in Yokohama

Saturday, June 5
Perform at Crystal Chapel tentatively at 2:30pm 1-37-10 Noshichiri Sakaeku Yokohamashi
Kanagawaken Japan 2470024
Travel by car/train to ShinYokohama station or Kamioka station
Travel by bullet train to Shizuoka Hikari 481  1722-1806
Stay at Living Way Church
Sunday 6
Minister at Ricky Gordon’s Church Sunday am 1-2 dances and YK teach
Kodama 669 1727-1741
Stay in Kakegawa
Monday 7
Travel by bullet train to Kakegawa for dance workshop
Minister in Kakegawa with dance workshop and evening performance.
Stay at the church in Kakegawa
Tuesday 8
Travel by bullet train to Hiroshima Kodama651 1313-1324  Hamamatsu Hikari 4711338-1518 Rehearse dance
Home Stay in Kure
Wednesday 9
Possible visit to Hiroshima Bomb Museum
Minister in Hiroshima
Afternoon possibly Sue and Yutaka doing counseling
Rehearse dance
Home Stay in Kure
Thursday 10
Minister in Hiroshima
Dance performance with Heiwa church and Natalie in pm
Home Stay in Kure
Friday 11
Walk to train station
Local train from Shin Kure to Hiroshima station
Travel to  Shin Yokohama station by bullet train
Local trains to Zushi
Home stay at Itsuko Hatanakas (cousin to Yutaka) in Zushi
Saturday 12
Local trains  to Jiyugaoka
Meet with Nakadaira for noon meal in Tokyo (Jiyugaoka, Meguro) dinner.
Sightsee in Tokyo
Travel to Narita airport area possibly Richmond Hotel Narita
Chiba, Narita city, Hanasaki-cho970
Richmond Hotel Narita

Sunday 13 Travel from Tokyo to Kansas City (gain a day). Possible am ministry time before leaving.
Tentatively arrive home about 6:30pm

Thursday, May 27, 2010

24 hours!!!!!!!

Okay.....so I will officially be leaving in 24 hours! Wow. Time has flown by really fast! Hopefully we will be able to send some updates from Taiwan/Japan to send to ya'll. I'm so grateful that God has called me and then provided for me to go on this trip. I'm really excited to see what He has in store for this trip!

Last night we had our last dance rehearsal. It went really well and we also got to organize costumes. We also were able to talk to Natalie who is already in Japan. It was really funny because we were rehearsing her piece and she was able to give us corrections from half way around the world! Another funny thing was that we were talking to someone in the future! It was roughly 10am her time and 8:30pm our time.

I'm still in shock that I leave tomorrow morning! It seems like just yesterday I was asked to join the team. God is so good how He has prepared us even when we didn't know it! On Sunday at the team meeting we got our team T-shirts. The kanji on them say 'Freedom Dance'. I love these people!!!

The orange shirt is Natalie's, but we weren't able to get it to her before she 
left so we are going to bring it to her.

We are a crazy bunch!!! You have to click on the picture so that it enlarges! 
Our faces are priceless!

Here are some prayer requests:
>Pray that we will get plenty of sleep on the plane and our bodies will adjust quickly to the time change
>Pray that we will have safe travel and all our luggage will arrive together on time (we have to change 3 planes)
>All of us have been feeling attacked and oppressed lately. We know it is because of the trip we are about to take. Those who have been before say that this time has been stronger in the attacks than previous times. Pray that we would be confident in who we are in Christ and the power He has equipped us with for what He has called us to do
>Pray that we would be strengthened and continue to grow in unity as a team
>Pray for the hearts of those we will be ministering to in Taiwan/Japan
>Pray that God will open up opportunity for Natalie as well as for us when we arrive to be able to pour into the lives of people we come into contact with

I'm also very excited about the incredible friendships that will be formed while on this trip! Though I've only known these guys for about 8 months it seems like I've known them a lifetime! I'm very grateful that God not only has amazing friends for me in Georgia, but that He blesses me with incredible friends in Kansas City too! I hope ya'll have an amazing weekend and I cannot wait to show you pictures! Thank you so much for praying! You are a blessing to me!

Love ya!
Ashton =)

Monday, May 24, 2010

4 Days and Counting!

Hello everyone!!!!

I just wanted to say what a blessing it is to have all of you as my prayer warriors! I'm so sorry I haven't posted an update lately but life has been pretty hectic and busy around here as we are trying to wrap up everything for the trip.

So today being Monday the 24th, we leave in 4 days! I still can't believe it has come upon us so quickly! Yesterday, we performed one of our pieces at Metro (the Kawase's and Kimberly's church) and then were commissioned. It was a great time of prayer and blessing. Then we had our last official team meeting. We were able to organize costumes, pieces, makeup, clothes, and all other logistics. 

Some things to pray for:
>We have yet to finish some of the pieces that we are taking. We need grace and strength on our bodies as we try to work in extra rehearsals with our parent presentations for Dramatic Truth.
>Grace. All of us have been feeling great pressure and are being attacked by the enemy mostly in our minds about our self worth and importance on this trip. Pray that we would hear God's voice clearly in this time.
>Natalie as she is already in Japan. She has encountered some hardships between two churches and is trying to organize different events
>Encounter with the Holy Spirit for each of us so that we will be filled to overflowing that we may show His love to everyone around us.

Thank you so much for praying! It is possible that we will have a computer in Japan so I may be able to send out quick updates from Japan. Thank you again!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thunder + Lightning = Heaven

Last night we had some pretty powerful storms here in Kansas City. The thunder and lightning was tremendous and woke me up several times during the night. But I didn't care because my favorite thing ever is thunder, lightning, and the sound of a heavy rain. There are two main reasons I love storms.

1) They put man in his place. By this I mean that it shows man that there are things he cannot control and is therefore subject to something and someone greater than himself. It shows the power, majesty, and incredible strength of God. It again shows us how small we are and how big He is.

2) There is thunder and lightning all around the throne in heaven. In my opinion, storms are the closest thing we have to what it is like in heaven staring at the throne with one seated on it whos eyes are like flames of fire. Watching a storm is like we are actually there right in front of the throne!

Revelation 4:5 "From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder."

Storms are such that you feel calm and peaceful while it is crazy and wild. Also, God's voice is described as sounding like peals of thunder.

Psalm 29:3 "The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters."
Psalm 29:7 "The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning."

3) I forgot there was a third thing. =) I love the sound of heavy rain because it is an auditory reminder that God cares about the little things in life, like the grass, plants, and animals, and is sending the earth refreshment. He is also cleansing everything from its impurities! =)

Sooooooooo............. I LOVE STORMS!!!!!!! =)

Then last night at the Awakening, Allen Hood was describing attributes of Jesus and he mentioned something I thought was profound. He was basically rebuking us for believing that God was not powerful enough to defeat the demons that are continually breathing down our back. (like depression, suicide, guilt, shame, self hatred, etc.) He told us to imagine this:

The city of God is 15,000 miles long, 15,000 miles wide, and 15,000 miles high. The atmosphere of earth is only 800 miles high. So the holy city extends into the cosmos. It says in Revelation 21:23 "The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp." God's face lights up that huge city! Rather, Jesus' face sense He is the Lamb. Not only does His face light up the city but His glory lights up the entire universe!!!! Ponder on that for a moment.........the universe never ends......and Jesus' face lights up the entire universe!!!!! Did you know that Jesus has a glorified human body? His human face lights up the universe!

Did you know that God choose to take on human form forever? That is why Satan hates the human frame and therefore lies to us telling us we are too small here, too big there, not pretty enough, not the right shape, blah, blah, blah. Why do we believe this? Our God's face lights up the entire universe! And we think He's not strong enough to defeat the demons mentioned above that torment us daily and we just have to live with it? The demons begged Jesus, BEGGED Him, not to destroy them. They asked Him if He had come to destroy them. His answer, "Yes."

Matthew 8:28-32 "When He arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. "What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time? Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.He said to them, "Go!" So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water.

The demons knew He had the power to destroy them and knew He will destroy them in the end times (they asked if He was going to destroy them before the appointed time). So why do we think that Jesus cannot destroy them? They begged Him not to destroy them!

My friends, we need a major thought adjustment!

Allen also gave an example using his marriage. He said, "If I saw a young man beating on my wife, I would do anything in order to rescue her. I would introduce that young man to the 5 fold ministry of laying on of hands (raising his fist.). I know I'm not a better husband than He is. So what makes you think that He would do anything less for His bride? What makes you think He would just sit back and watch His bride be tormented and beaten? He is fighting for you, Beloved!"

Well, that's all that has been going through my mind lately. Talk to you later! =) Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Taiwan, Japan, here we come!!!!

Wow. I cannot believe that this much time has already passed. I feel like just yesterday I was asked to be part of this team! We leave in 16 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last weekend in rehearsal we were able to accomplish a lot of choreography and clean a lot of the dances. Thank you all for praying! Natalie leaves on Tuesday for Hiroshima!!!!! We are all so excited and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store.

A few prayer requests:
>All of us as finals are over the next two weeks as we try to finish up the school year and continue to prepare for the trip
>Stan to get the last part of his money in......he still has a pretty large part yet to come in
>Strength for our bodies as we continue to push and rehearse while having parent presentations the next two weeks at the studio
>Us to continually be in tune with what God is saying for the people we will be ministering to in Taiwan/Japan

Thank you so much for praying! It is much appreciated!!!!! Be Blessed!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm a JUNIOR!!!!!!!

As of today, I am officially a college JUNIOR!!!!! Though I am still a highschool senior graduating in a few weeks, I passed another test today. I took Art of the Western World giving me 60 credits. I had to take it at a different college, Columbia College of Kansas City, because UMKC doesn't offer DANTES tests to non military personelle and Johnson County Community College doesn't test until Thursday. The college was so tiny!!! I saw three different classrooms that were made to hold about 12 students! I have acquired all my credits since the end of October until the beginning of May. These are a list of tests that I have taken and passed:

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
Natural Science
College Math
American Literature
U.S. History 1
College Algebra
Western Civilization 1
Western Civilization 2
American Government
English Composition
English Literature
Art of the Western World

My next one is Social Science and History. Then I plan on doing Introduction to Sociology. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish both of these and have 71 credits before I leave for Japan.......which by the way is in 16 days!!!!! I'm super excited and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store. More to come later!!!! =)