Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 1: Christmas Vacation

We are able to enjoy so much on our trip and I wanted to be able to share it with you. On Saturday we arrived in Georgia tired and a little hungry. It was good to see Grandma and Papa and eat the yummy meal Grandma had prepared for us.

On Sunday we were able to go to RiverStone Church and see many of our friends and family. It was so good to catch up with so many people. The highlight of that time was when one of my friends waved at me like I was a regular sight and then realized who I was. The look on her face was priceless!!!!

After church we were able to go eat at our favorite Mexican Restaurant in the entire world. We were blessed while we lived in GA to live 3 minutes away from the most amazing restaurant. We miss this Mexican blessing so much and have not been able to find anything that is equal to or even close to this. So we got to indulge in our yearly Mexican meal! It was delicious!!!!!!!!!


Afterward Mallory and I got to go to RiverStone's youth Christmas party. We got to play several games, eat and hang out with friends. Some of the games included decorating a human christmas tree, a human present, and decorating a table. Then we got to enjoy chocolate chip pancakes, strawberry walnut waffles, milk, and oj. We had a great time!!!

Then Mallory and I rushed home to enjoy a scrumptious meal Grandma had prepared........salad, potatoes, brownies, and CRAB LEGS!!!! She was able to find a great deal at a local grocery store and we were all very excited!!!! We also were able to see our cousin Scott and catch up on everything.

Then we got to enjoy many laughs as we watched the movie Christmas Vacation. Watching this movie has been a tradition for my parents every year and in the past couple of years they have let us watch it as well. Grandma and Papa saw it for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it. Well that's all for day 1!!! :) More to come.......

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