Day 8, Sunday: On Sunday we went to church at RiverStone, our home church in GA. It was very exciting and Christmasy. We were blessed to be able to hear not only Daniel Bashta sing, but also Rita Springer and Mac Powell. It was really cool. The church was even nicely decorated for Christmas and had a tree in the front foyer.
Then we went to see our old dance studio's, PHWD, Christmas performance. It was so much fun to see all the dancers and the instructors. They did an amazing job! Being the first time we had ever seen the show, we had always been in it and never seen it live, we were thoroughly impressed! We had a great time visiting with them and even got to continue the fun when we attended the cast party that evening. It was so much fun to be able to hang out with them and see them again.
Day 9, Monday: On Monday I was able to sleep until 11! I was very happy to receive some much needed rest! Then Mallory and I went to Panera Bread Co to meet Virginia M. for lunch. She is one of our dancer friends but we couldn't see her because she went to the Saturday night show. She is still enrolled in KSU, works for her parents coffee shop, teaches dance, works in the office for the studio she teaches at, dances, and finds time to hang out with us. Needless to say, she is a very busy girl! We were happy that we got to see her. Then she treated us to DipN'Dots. It was so good!!!!!! (The boy in the picture is her boyfriend, Johnny)
Afterward Mallory and I spent some time at home alone, girl time!!!, because Nana and Papa were at a staff Christmas party and Moma and Daddy were eating dinner with another couple. We ate pizza and ice cream while we watched the movie Fly Away Home. Then when Nana and Papa were back home we watched it again! It was a lot of fun.
Day 10, Tuesday: Today I got to sleep in again! Then I got to go to Jessica's house and spend time with her. I had a great time talking to her and spending time with her. It was also good to see her dog, Kanobi, again. He has so much energy! We enjoyed avalanche snacks, cookies, and milk! While I was at Jessica's, Mallory and Daddy were shopping, Nana and Moma went shopping, and Papa went shopping. Mallory was my little Elf. She was able to get the last minute Christmas gifts I needed while she was out and about. Thanks MAP! Then I went home and got to eat a yummy meal fixed by Papa........potatoes, peas, bread, and STEAK!!!! We had a great time visiting and chilling with them.
Well, that is the end of day 10. I'll update more later. Only 2 days until Christmas!!!! =)