Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long awaited pictures!!! #2

Then I took Mallory to the Plaza in downtown Kansas City for her way belated birthday gift! We had a great time just hanging out, talking, laughing, goofing off, and just being sisters.

I like this picture! We look so cute!

She is so pretty! Happy Birthday Mallory!

Road kill!

A lake nearby......

Rocks crossing a narrow part of the lake....
And yes.....we did walk across! :)

Fun jumps!


Cool pic I thought you might like to see....

And the dancer of me comes out!

Are you surprised???

If I had a facebook...I would use this as a profile pic...
Good job Mallory! Maybe you should become a photographer...

Some ducks we saw swimming in the lake...
I almost felt like National Geographic, but still a good photo.
Mallory had to save me because I almost fell in... :)

Beautiful once again!

Our gangsta pose...


Rasberry Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake!
Happy Birthday Mallory!

A gorgeous hanging flower basket down at the Plaza.
They have tons of these.

And of course...the Cheesecake Factory!


  1. Ya'll are having too much fun!!!!!

  2. This has got to be the scariest thing for me. Yes I know you are old enough but just you and Mallory driving around makes me think back when I was young. Yikes!
