Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long awaited pictures!!! #4

Mallory and I are so excited!!! Last week it was back to dance after a long 9 months off. We knew we were going to be very sore and out of shape, but with a little hard work, and maybe blood/sweat/tears, we would be back in no time. For some reason it did not occur to me to order new pointe shoes until the week dance started back. So not only did I have to endure aching muscles and out-of-shape exhaustion, but I also had to dance on dead, I mean WAY dead, pointe shoes. So here is a picture of my toe...

That is my toe....lovely isn't it?
Sorry, that one is kinda blurry....
Standing on black marley floor my toenail blends in with the floor...
Comparison between the two toes...
For those of you that can take the details.....it was a lot purpler a few days ago (I just invented that word). Then a couple of days ago I saw what looked like air bubbles so I squeezed it and out came blood, water, liquid pus. It was disgusting! I almost wanted to cut my own toe off!!! I could stick something underneath the nail because it is not connected anymore. The toenail now is a pure white (cause its not connected) It still leaks out blood and liquid pus when I dance into my tights and shoes. Disgusting!!!!!! So now it is disconnected by the nail bed but still connected down at the tip...in other words.....VERY painful on pointe!!! On pointe? Well, being a dancer...I must dance on! I have continued to dance on it and hope that it will fall off soon. Most people would say that this pain and ugliness is not worth it. But when I see professional dancers, to me it is very much worth it! I'll take more pictures if it falls off! :)
Ps. We love our teachers and the students at our new dance studio! God has blessed us tremendously!

Long awaited pictures!!! #3

For Labor Day we were given free tickets to go see our first Royals game! It was so much fun and we had a fantastic time! Because the Royals stole a base everyone who was at the game was able to go to a local Sonic, show your game ticket, and recieve a free medium slushi. We planned to go...but we forgot. :) We were also able to recieve a free Chick-fil-A sandwhich because they were doing a special for Labor Day. Overall we had a fantastic day!
Outside the stadium....
Entrance to the stadium...
The stadium....we had awesome seats! Thank you Mr. Jim!
In action shot....I tried to catch the pitcher in action
and this was the clearest shot.
Water fountain display after homerun!!
We got to see two homeruns!
The Royals win!!!
They won their first game of the season when we went
and have since won 5 games...all because we went to see them play! :)
Yea Royals!!!!
Another view of the stadium...
And more Royals game pictures with us in them to come later...
(they are on my mom's memory chip....I don't have access to that :) .....)

Long awaited pictures!!! #2

Then I took Mallory to the Plaza in downtown Kansas City for her way belated birthday gift! We had a great time just hanging out, talking, laughing, goofing off, and just being sisters.

I like this picture! We look so cute!

She is so pretty! Happy Birthday Mallory!

Road kill!

A lake nearby......

Rocks crossing a narrow part of the lake....
And yes.....we did walk across! :)

Fun jumps!


Cool pic I thought you might like to see....

And the dancer of me comes out!

Are you surprised???

If I had a facebook...I would use this as a profile pic...
Good job Mallory! Maybe you should become a photographer...

Some ducks we saw swimming in the lake...
I almost felt like National Geographic, but still a good photo.
Mallory had to save me because I almost fell in... :)

Beautiful once again!

Our gangsta pose...


Rasberry Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake!
Happy Birthday Mallory!

A gorgeous hanging flower basket down at the Plaza.
They have tons of these.

And of course...the Cheesecake Factory!

Long awaited pictures!!! #1

Here are some of those long awaited pictures!!!

The Gateway to the West on our trip back from visiting GA in the summer......

These pictures almost look like post cards!
I think this was one of the first times that I have either been awake, it was light outside, or I wasn't in a bus so I could get descent pictures of this monument I have passed numerous times.
I like how the sun shines on the arch and it reflects on the water!
This one almost looks fake...like out of a book! It was such a pretty day!
And we got to see a beautiful sunset!!!

I am still amazed everytime I look at these pictures!
God is absolutely amazing!
This one almost looks like a calender page.
I like this one too!
This is kinda how I picture Jesus coming back!

I just love the purple clouds! Purple is my favorite! :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Searching for Truth

I find my heart longing today, lonely, hungry for something authentic. Something is awakening in the depths, stirred in this season by an unknown hand, an unseen Helper. My heart can bearly stand the thought of another unique teaching or keen insight from another anointed vessel. My heart yearns for truth. I am aching only for Jesus, wanting Him and Him alone, undone by the piercing depths of His heart, His life, and His love.

---Allen Hood