Okay, so I was reading in the Psalms one night when I was doing screens for Audra. (screens for those of you who don't know is where I put the words of what the singers are singing on the black tv's in the prayer room). I was flipping through my favorite psalms when I thought about something Audra had said in briefing before our set. She had mentioned something about the voice of the Lord because we were doing Psalm 42 and in verse 7 it talks about hearing the voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirt, the one who searches the deep things of God. (1 Cor. 2:10) She has this awesome chorus:
I can hear the voice of the Lord
It's like the roar of the waters
And it comes, crashing over me
You should hear her sing it. It gives you chills because of the power and truth behind it. Anyway I turned to Revelation 1:15 where it says that the voice of the Lord is like the sound of rushing waters. Now when I picture rushing waters I don't picture a little creek flowing in the woods somewhere. I picture a huge white-water river/Niagra falls type thing. The loud, booming, make your bones rattle type sound. The scripture says that the voice of the Lord is like that.....loud, booming, make your bones rattle, powerful sound. It also says in the scriptures that his voice is like a faint whisper. I like the way Job put it when he said, "How faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?" Isn't it incredible how it can sound like a whisper and also like rushing water?
Then I was turning back to Psalm 42 and went to far to Psalm 29. In the first two verses I found the words to a song Justin Rizzo and Jill Marsh sing. I was so excited so I began to read and then found this........more descriptions on the voice of the Lord! I was so excited. It said in verse 3 that the voice of the Lord is over the waters. I thought "what does that mean?" Over the waters? And then I remembered the rushing water thing. The voice of the Lord is over that.......louder than that! The next thing it says is that the God of glory thunders. His voice thunders......the bone rattling thing. It says that the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. So his voice bone-shaking rattles over the sound of white-water/Niagra falls sound. Then it says that the voice of the Lord is powerful. His words are powerful and cut to the heart. Then it says that the voice of the Lord is majestic. We find awe and wonder in his voice. The next one really blew my mind. Okay so you know those huge Red Wood trees in California that are hundreds of feet tall and have huge trunks? They are some of the biggest, strongest trees in the world. Cedar trees are just like that but even bigger and stronger. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. His voice splinters the trees like they are little twigs........his voice!!! Amazing huh? All he has to do is say one word and these huge trees crumple into millions of tiny splinters! Then it says that the voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning. There is so much power and authority in his voice that literal lightning actually comes from his voice. This thought and trying to picture this image makes my mind hurt! The next verse says his voice shakes the deserts. Which means that the dust storms and sand storms result from his voice, or they could. His voice shakes the deserts.......the entire desert! Have you ever thought about how big one desert is? It shakes the whole thing! By now my brain is really hurting and I'm kinda just sitting there in shock. The next verse blows me away. It says that the voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. His voice makes huge trees twist and the whole forest is bare.....nothing left.....just from his voice! In Psalm 18:13 it says that the voice of the Lord resounded and thundered from heaven. It was a firm, definite, clear sound. In Isaiah 30:31 it says that the voice of the Lord will shatter Assyria. His voice has so much power it can shatter a nation! And Revelation 1:10 it says that his voice sounds like a trumpet. Ezkiel 1 is a really cool description of the same thing John saw in Revelation 4 but through Ezkiel's eyes. I would highly encourage you to read it. It is very mind provoking.
Anyway just thought I'd let you know what I had found. Isn't this voice amazing? I would encourage you to check out Psalm 29 for yourself! It will make you think! The voice of the Lord is incredible..........have you ever heard this voice?
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