Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Nations

If you have been following my blog, you will have noticed that I changed the website's url to heart4asia. For those of you who know me, my heart truly is in Asia. It's only a matter of time until I'm there. As I've been here at IHOP-KC, I've begun to realize the extent of love that God has given me for the Asian people groups and the 10/40 window. I've known since I was a little girl that I was to be a full time missionary. I just did not know what that would entail. Now, looking at how he is leading my life and directing my steps, the puzzle pieces are beginning to fall.

Recently in the prayer room I felt like I was supposed to list the nations I wanted to serve in one day and make a lasting impact for Christ in. So, here is my list/goal. A daughter can ask her dad for anything right? =)

China   Taiwan   Singapore   Malaysia   Vietnam   Cambodia   Thailand   Laos   Fiji   Tahiti   Guam   Mongolia   Paupa New Guinea   Hong Kong   Turkey   Iraq   Iran   Afghanistan   Pakistan   India   Nepal   Burma   Japan   South/North Korea   Philipeans   Indonesia   Bhutan   Tajikistan   Samoa   Lebanon   Kazakhstan   Tibet   Bangladesh   Marshall Islands   Solomon Islands 

Basically, most of Asia and Arabia! I am so excited to see how all of this plays out. I cannot wait to see what God has planned!

Nations to go to

Nations I have been to

If you want to support me financially, would like to be a prayer partner, and/or would like to receive blog updates on different mission trips I take, please don't hesitate to contact me! 


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Facebook-Ashton Price
Twitter: @babelovescoffee (soon hopefully changing to new one-will keep you updated)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saved from abortion by prayer-Guest post

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I last wrote. Check out what happened to me this summer in Taiwan, Japan, and New Zealand by clicking here:


One of my friends was a guest author on Bound for Life's blog. It was so touching to my heart that I asked if I could re-post it here and she said yes. I am so thankful for Katie!!!! Thank you God for sparing her life!

Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America!

By Katie Kotila
My birth-mother, Alisha, was 16 and afraid. She discovered she was pregnant in December 1991 and the most terrifying thing to her at that moment was telling her father. He immediately scheduled an abortion for her and later she told me she thought he felt the situation was a reflection of his parenting. I, who I was a fetus at that moment, had just a few days to live.
Alisha was against this decision, but as simply a junior in high school she didn’t really feel like she had a choice. Three days before the scheduled abortion, my grandfather gave her the choice; abortion or adoption. Alisha gladly accepted the latter, writing in her journal “I was so happy I didn’t have to kill the baby, so I agreed. It deserved a loving family.” I was finally born on July 28, 1992.
 For the next 18 years, while I was being raised in a loving Christian family, Alisha and I kept in contact through letters, pictures and of course, Facebook. In 2010 I was an intern at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. Once a week my friend and I would lead the prayer room in prayer for the ending of abortion. One week after we were finished, he turned to me and said, “Has the thought ever crossed your mind that what you are doing in prayer right now, is actually what might have saved you from death?”  The idea intrigued me, but I had no idea that he was actually speaking more truth than I could ever imagine. One month before my 20th birthday, my best friend and I made a pro-life “video letter” that explained my story and gave statistics of abortion in America. By this point in my life, I had met Alisha, different members of her family, and was beginning to develop more of a relationship with all of them. I shared the video with her and my grandmother, Kathy who then, in turn shared it with all of her Facebook companions. A few days later, Kathy messaged me with something a friend of hers had written after watching the video:
“I remember years ago you told me that Alisha’s decision had to be made by the morning… but what I haven’t told you before was that I laid face down on my dining room floor and prayed with all my being for that precious infant’s life… and I feel so blessed to see the complete fulfillment of that prayer…first, by being present at the hospital just after Katie was born to see her ‘physical’ life, but also seeing her now…a life abundantly beautiful! And I am so overjoyed to see YOUR joy, because I know that it was not easy for a lot of years. God is good…VERY good!”
This is why my heart is for those who have been silenced…because I was almost one of them, and I believe with all my heart that this woman’s intercession is what saved me. Thank God for her, and thank God for LIFE!
 Katie and her birthmom, Alisha
You can read Katie’s personal blog account of her story here: http://acceptedloved92.blogspot.com/
Katie is on staff at the International House of Prayer. She has been gripped with the issue of abortion from a young age, believing every life is just as precious as her own. This passion grew during her year as a student in TheCall Institute. Her heart is to see the adoption movement spread across the country and a culture of LIFE established in America.