Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Power of Laughter

I recently read this article from Elijah List. It was short and very amusing so I decided to post it here. Enjoy! ;)

The Spirit Realm and Holy Laughter

When I was speaking in Auckland, New Zealand, a pastor friend of mine, Ian Johnson, suddenly fell off his chair onto the floor in the middle of the message. He just laid there, so I carried on speaking. It was a very wide room. About six minutes later another friend, Sheryl Morgan, slipped off her chair on the other side of the room, and started laughing hysterically. Everyone else was just listening to me. I didn't feel anything was out of order in the spirit so I carried on speaking.

After about 14 minutes Ian sat back in his chair and Sheryl got up also and sat back in hers. They were quite far away from each other and like I said, the room was very wide so they didn't know what happened to each other.

When the meeting finished I went and spoke to pastor Ian. "What happened?" I asked. He said, "I was just listening to you and I saw a chariot in front of me, so I got in it, and the next minute I was inside my friend's church in Fiji. He was preaching and I saw a big black island demon come straight at him. Then I heard this laughter and the demon left, then it came back and I heard the laughter again and it left. Then I was back in this meeting with you."
"Hmm..." I thought, and then I went to find Sheryl. "What happened to you?" I asked her. She had no idea of anything that happened to Ian as she was sitting quite a ways from him. Sheryl is always laughing and smiling. "I am not sure," she said. "I just kept seeing this big black demon thing and laughing at it."

Now you do know that Holy Ghost laughter is one of the biggest warfare weapons there is, right? God looks on His enemies and laughs, and has them in derision (see Psalm 2:4). The laughter comes when your spirit picks up on a victory that's happening in the spirit realm.
You probably have had an experience like this: you are praying for someone or counseling or something, and maybe they are telling you some pretty awful stuff in the natural and you suddenly start laughing. They look at you like "What's wrong with you?" and you say, "Don't worry about it, something good is happening for you in the spirit realm" and it is. Your spirit picks up on that and responds. It may not look like anything in the natural, it may not sound like anything, but you know your spirit knows something good is happening!

Well you know the next day the pastor from Fiji called Pastor Ian. He said, "Ian, you were in my church yesterday, weren't you?" Ian said, "Yes I was." The Fiji pastor said, "I was preaching in the service and I got attacked by an island spirit, then we all heard this laughter and it left. After a while it came back and we all heard the laughter again and it left." Ian laughed and said, "Yes, I know."

Well, you know a while later a ministry team came over from Fiji to Auckland, and one of the team members came up to talk to Sheryl in a meeting. "Oh, I've heard your laughter before," he said, smiling.

So while I was having my meeting in Auckland, God took two people from that meeting, took them away in the spirit to Fiji, and delivered a church from oppression… yeah, God!

Keep your spiritual antenna up. God can use you too. Meanwhile make sure and get a download of my teaching, The Fanatic in the Attic – it talks all about this.

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Email: kathiewalters@mindspring.com

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone