Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Saturday, February 12, 2011

All About Your Gaze

Eyes never cease to amaze me. I love looking at people's eyes. Ever heard that phrase, "The eyes are the window to the soul"? Well, it's very true.....at least for me. I can tell a million things about a person just by looking at their eyes or a photo of their eyes. I can read how they are doing in an instant. Whether its been a rough day, if they are excited, tired, genuinely telling you the truth how they are doing, whether they have something on their mind, their personality, something exciting just happened to them.......anything and everything is expressed through the eyes. =) Eyes have an indescribable depth. Some are cloudy, some are clear, some are vibrant, some have a soft warm feel.....they are all mystifying.

I was thinking about the different color of eyes. Green, blue, grey, brown, chocolate swirl color, yellow, hazel, mixtures.......all different, incredibly unique designs by God. What color do you think Jesus' eyes were? Knowing He was from Jewish descent, I've often pondered if they were brown or had a color swirl in them. The Bible tells us what they look like. Revelation 1:14 says His eyes are like flames of fire. What does this mean? Do they look yellow/orange/bronze-ish or are they constantly moving and changing like a fire is? I'm not sure of the answer but I do know His gaze is probably intense! 

And God obviously cares about our eyes because He put so much detail into creating them, making them one of our 5 senses, and talking a lot about how to guard our eyes. So what do you think? Why is it that God made our eyes to show how we are doing and to be the window of our souls? What is it about eyes that God has so highly valued them? It says in Psalms that we were created to gaze on beauty. Our job for eternity is to gaze at God in his indescribable holiness. The seraphim were created with eyes all around to gaze at God. As were the four living creatures around the throne who never cease to cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was and is and is to come." since they were created. That is their job description.....how awesome is that? =) Eyes are so small, yet so important!

So my question to you.....what do your eyes say about who you are? What are your eyes fixed on?