Going to the hardest and darkest...to shine the light of Christ

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Goofy sisters!!!

Well, one of my good friends and I used to take pictures together at about 2 am whenever she would spend the night and they were hilarious. So Mallory and I decided to take some funny pictures, not at 2 am, just because. They were so funny I thought I would share them with you!

Just plain crazy...

Look how weird my face looks!


We didn't know what the other one would do so
it was pretty funny we did almost the same thing....


She said, "Act like a dumb frog." So we did....


I said, "Eww...."


You know that we didn't have to think of these faces......
They came naturally...like, "Ready, 1, 2, 3!"


I think I saw something scary....
Maybe I should have looked next to me!


I put my own hand up to my throat and pretended to choke
myself.....she had no idea! Doesn't this look hilarious!


 Then I just said, "Look mad!" And that is still my hand on
my throat.....pretty weird picture huh?


I think she was singing.....
But don't I look intelligent!


I smelled something horrible...


 And then she smelled her own horrible smell that I was dying of before....

As Kahi Skeele would say, "I made fart!"

But really it wasn't me....but I won't name any names!


Hope you enjoyed the funny pictures!

Just cause these are on the internet, doesn't mean you can use them for black mail later, Uncle Tuffy!!!

Love ya!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Humanity of Jesus

In my textbook for the course I am taking, Allen Hood quotes Von Balthasar from his book Prayer. It was such an inspiring quote I decided to share it with you:

Standing in awe of God is one thing. Loving Him is quite another thing. You can go through life obedient and struck by His awesomeness, but it's quite another thing to be struck by His tenderness, to be tender towards God. When you know His humanity and tender acquaintance with your frame, your heart feels safe to move towards Him and ask questions you normally would not ask. It is sheer joy to engage with your older Brother in dialogue and in worship, free to love Him with your particular personality. This is joy, to enjoy yourself in enjoying Him.

This where contemplation sets to work. On the one hand, what the Son is and does is human, and is thus comprehensible...Even the quality of Christ's humanity is so different from all other humanity and from everything that is possible in the world. All the same, the humanity of the Son of Man is human. It is not interfered with, there is no grotesque distortion; it bears the mark of its divine quality just as white hot iron shows its heat; indeed, the divine reveals its incomparable power in the very fact that what is human is not destroyed. If two magnitudes were of the same order, the greater would of necessity be a threat to the lesser. A tree planted in a flower pot will burst it. Only God can appear in a creature without destroying it. Faith is rendered able to contemplate the divine in creaturely form.

The contemplative's gaze continually returns with great attention to the humanity of Jesus. It is the inexhaustible treasure entrusted to us by the heavenly Father. In a true sense he has "despoiled 
himself" (John 3:16) of him to whom he is always pointing: ipsum audite! (Matthew 17:5) The Son is no floating interstellar body; he is the fruit of the earth and its history; he comes from Mary (who is the exponent of the Old Covenant and of all humanity) just as he comes from the Father. He is grace ascending just as much as grace descending; he is just as much creation's highest response to the Father as he is the Father's Word to creation. He is no God in disguise, acting "as if", simply to give us an example...No. He is the apex of the world in its striving towards God, and he cuts a path for all of us, gathering up all man's efforts into Himself the pioneer, the spearhead. He can do this only by being "in every respect tempted as we are, yet without sinning" (Heb 4:15), by bearing our burdens as the scapegoat (Heb 13:11), the Lamb brought to the slaughter, slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8). Thus, he stands at the summit of heaven and earth.

That quote is so inspiring to me to really think about why Jesus wants to reveal Himself to us. It makes me want to go and sit for hours reading my Bible. Hopefully it has inspired you to do the same. Have a great day!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Prayer Leading!!!

I had the joy last week of being able to prayer lead a worship with the word set in the prayer room. It was so much fun! I loved being the one who was able to interject phrases from the Bible and being able to take the team where ever I wanted to go! It was an awesome experience. I also love it because for 2 hours I get to sit and do nothing but worship Jesus and meditate on the word. And......I get to say what I'm meditating about out loud! I think I'm the only one who actually gets to talk in the prayer room! And they give me a mic!



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Significance of the Incarnation

The incarnation might look like a big word that is very confusing. But after some teaching in a Bible class I'm taking, I realized it's not the word that perplexes me but the concept. I have found that Jesus loves when we are perplexed over one concept- trying to understand Him. Because of  the incarnation we are now able to say that whoever has seen Jesus has seen God. The incarnation revealed the passionate, zealous, pursuing heart of God for humanity. If God was willing to take on our form, the human frame, what other depths is He willing to go for us? It demonstrates His unrestrained love for us. He never stops until you're just like Him and have received the place He purchased for you on Calvary. As it says in Phil. 2:6-7 Love "did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking on the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men."

I had no real understanding why Jesus had to take on flesh until I came across this point. Jesus became a human being because God could not suffer and lacked a back to be beaten. God needed a back like our backs on which to receive blows and thereby to perform compassion as well as preach it. "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself." (2 Cor. 5:19) When He took on flesh He forever linked humanity to Himself. He CHOSE to be human FOREVER. That is the extent of His love for us. When Christ came into the world as a human, eternal life became embodied in the human form and He became a fountain of life for all who would receive Him. When God joined  Himself to humanity, He entered time. He came from a place outside of time and restrained Himself in time for you and I. The incarnation also reestablished human dominion on the Earth. God used human beings once again to establish His government on the earth. What was lost in the Garden was restored by Jesus. He came to the earth to dwell with men in the fullness of God. He was fully human yet radiating the glory of God and wrapped in light. He is fully God, fully man, two natures in one person. We truly have an awesome God!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Well.......it came off!

As you may have guessed by the color of my toenail, it did in fact come off. Pretty disgusting, I know. Now I just have a really ugly toe until it grows back. For those of you who can handle the gore, here are some pictures of my toe:

One last tug......

And...... it's off!!!!!!!!!!!


Now I look like a true dancer!!!! My feet may take beatings but it is way worth it! :)

I love you guys! Have a great day!